Ms Bellamy-Brown - Class Teacher |
Mrs Johnston - Teaching Assistant
Miss Clayton - Teaching Assistant
Welcome to Reception Class
Reception Class 2023 -24
As the term progresses please check out our Gallery on this page.
Important Information shared at our Welcome Meeting!
- PLEASE remember to label clothes, coats, PE kits etc with your child's name
- If it is raining, please send your child in a waterproof coat and shoes as we still play out.
- Reading books are changed on Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays. Reading books and records need to be in the book box to be changed.
- Have you been on Tapestry yet? Please have a go at adding your own observations from home or out of school experiences. Your contribution is invaluable!
Scroll Down to see what we have planned and to see our termly galleries and Reception class Twitter feed.
Don't forget to follow us on Twitter and download the School Jotter App to get important updates and class galleries.
Autumn Term
- In Maths we will be investigating numbers up to 5. We will work on counting forwards and backwards to and from 5, one more/one less, number bonds within 5, as well as 1:1 correspondence. We will introduce the language of addition and subtraction within 5. We will look at sorting and comparing quantities as well as introducing the language of time.
- Phonics – Level 1 recap - focussing on listening out for initial sounds in words and segmenting and blending CVC words. Level 2 learning 4 initial sounds per week and segmenting and blending for reading.
- Topics: Traditional Fairy Tales, contemporary rhyming stories for example Julia Donaldson and Festivals around the World. We keep these flexible as we will also be following the children’s interests. They will also have their own focus week each.
Within topics and child led areas of interest we will also be including a broad range of activities including: craft, cooking, science, the world around us, fine motor skills activities, dance and music, as well as other areas of learning provided through resources in continuous provision.
Spring Term
- In Maths we will be investigating numbers up to 10. We will work on place value and counting forwards and backwards to and from 10, one more/one less, number bonds within 10, as well as 1:1 correspondence. We will start working on sorting and comparing as well as addition and subtraction within 10. We will recap 2D shapes and introduce 3D shapes and pattern. We will look at halving doubling and sharing.
- Phonics - Level 2 continued – finish learning the initial sounds. Level 3 introduce 4 digraphs or trigraphs per week and focus on segmenting and blending for writing. Learning to read level 2 and 3 tricky words.
- Topics include: Dinosaurs and Pirates/Under the Sea as well as Chinese New Year, Pancake Day, Mothers’ Day, Easter. We keep these flexible as we will be following the children’s interests. They will also have their own focus week each.
Within topics and child led areas of interest we will also be including a broad range of activities including: craft, cooking, science, the world around us, fine motor skills activities, dance and music, as well as other areas of learning provided through resources in continuous provision.
Summer Term
- In Maths we will be investigating numbers up to 20. We will work on place value to 20, one more/one less, consolidating number bonds within 10, as well as 1:1 correspondence up to 20. We will look at adding and subtracting 1 and 2 within 20. We will recap 2D and 3D shapes and introduce number patterns including odds and evens and counting in twos.
- Phonics - Level 3 continued – finish learning the digraphs and trigraphs and focus on segmenting and blending for reading and writing. Learning to read and write Level 2 and 3 tricky words.
- Topics include: Space, Minibeasts, and People Who Help Us. We keep these flexible as primarily we will be following the children’s interests. Instead of focus weeks this term we have a parent’s evening to support next steps and transition to Year 1.
Within topics and child led areas of interest we will also be including a broad range of activities including: craft, cooking, science, the world around us, fine motor skills activities, dance and music, as well as other areas of learning provided through resources in continuous provision.
Don't miss our photo galleries below
Reception: Autumn Term
Reception: Spring Term
Reception: Summer Term
Our TOP recommendations for online resources to support your child's learning are:
Numberblocks Numberblocks is really carefully put together to help children understand number in many different ways. It's a great favourite of Ms Bellamy-Brown!
BBC Bitesize The BBC have added lots of content to support Home Learning
Here are some further links you could explore:
Alphablocks All episodes available on YouTube and some on BBC iplayer.
Poisson Rouge
Teach Your Monster to Read A super fun way to support phonics and learning to read
Tate Kids Lots of games. Info and ideas to support your child’s learning about art and developing creativity.
The Imagination Tree The go-to site for ideas for multisensory learning through play for children from birth to 6.
ABC Does 50 fantastic things to try at home