Shade Primary School

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Knowlwood Road, Todmorden, Lancashire OL14 7PD

01706 812913

Shade Primary School

Every Child, Every Chance, Every Day

  1. Curriculum
  2. Classes
  3. Year 4


Year 4


Mrs Helen LeckMrs Leck - Class Teacher

Miss White - Teaching Assistant



Welcome to Year 4


Thank you for attending our Welcome Meeting on Friday 8th September. Here are the slides in case there is anything you need to check:

Welcome Meeting information slides

Important Information from September 2023:

  • Year 4 swim ONCE A FORTNIGHT ON A MONDAY. Children are either in group 1 or 2. Children will need a swimming kit brought into school on this day. 
  • For this half term (Spring 2), our P.E. day is FRIDAY and children will need to wear their P.E. kits to school on this day. Jewellery or hoodies are not allowed.
  • Children may bring in a snack to enjoy during morning playtime. This must be a piece of fresh fruit or veg.
  • Children have the opportunity to change their home reading books throughout the week.  Please make sure that your child is reading at home and write a comment in their reading records. It is wonderful to read parent comments and of course to talk to the children about their reading done at home.
  • Children are welcome to bring in age-appropriate reading books from home if they wish to read during quiet reading.  
  • Spelling homework goes home every Friday and is due in the following Friday for the weekly spelling quiz.
  • Once a half term / term, children will be given a Learning Log.  This is a great way for children to demonstrate their individual skills and interpretations on the work we have been doing in class.  Children will then share their Learning Logs with each other. 


Scroll Down to see what learning we have planned for the Year and to see our termly galleries and Y4 Twitter feed.
Don't forget to follow us on Twitter and download the School Jotter App to get important updates and class galleries

Autumn Term

In Maths we will lay the ground with place value and the four calculations. We then move onto focusing on Addition and Subtraction skills.

In English this half term we are using the book “The Mousehole Cat” by Antonia Barber as our stimulus. After the holidays we will be studying a new book called “Varjak Paw2 by S.F.Said. In both texts, we look at settngs, characters and the use of language.

For our enrichment time, we concentrate on Sports and Games, which culminates in pupil’s designing and making their own board games.

Our History topic is the Elizabethan Era where we study life back then and compare it to our own, as well as learning about why Elizabeth I is known as one of the most influential monarchs of the UK. We take a trip to Hoghton Tower in Preston for a Tudor Experience day.

For Science, we will be working on the Human Digestive System and States of Matter.

Spring Term

In Maths we begin with Multiplication and Division, moving onto Area and then Fractions.

In English, the first half term is concentrated on a book called “The Miraculous Journey Of Edward Tulane” by Kate DiCamillo and the journeys he makes throughout his extraordinary life. 

Our History topic for this term is Ancient Egypt. We look at pharaohs, pyramids, life then compared to life now and all the amazing aspects of this period in History.

In Science we will be focusing on Electricity. We learn about the different components of a simple circuit and use this knowledge to build our own circuits, adding bulbs and switches. We also learn about electrical safety.


Summer Term

In Maths we begin to learn about Decimals before moving onto Money and Time.

In English will be focusing on “The Firework Maker’s Daughter” by Philip Pullman and thinking about self- determination. We will then move onto “The Great Kapok Tree” by Lynne Cherry which links nicely to our Science topic for this term. 

Our Geography and Science topics are Brazil in which we focus on the environment, habitats and daily life. 

In History we will be learning about the ancient civilisation of Mayans.

It's an exciting term for us as we also prepare to move on to our new class. Transition sessions will take place ready for the next phase in our school journey.


 Don't miss our termly photo galleries below

Download the School Jotter App on Apple or Google. 

Get newsletters, calendars and photo galleries direct to your phone.

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Find Y4 on Twitter here. School's Twitter page is here.

Mrs Sutcliffe tweets about Maths here. Dr Ovenden tweets about reading here.


Year 4: Autumn Term



Year 4: Spring Term



Our TOP recommendations for online resources to support learning are: - PLEASE encourage children to work on their time tables. They are crucial in the Years 5 and 6 maths curriculum (if you have lost your child's login then please get in contact and I will send their details over as soon as I can)! - - There are countless games and activities linked to all parts of the curriculum on here (if you have lost your child's login then please get in contact and I will send their details over as soon as I can). We have student access to Discovery Education's Espresso site... there are lots of themed activities, fact files, online games and printable activities for students from Nursery to Year 6. 



Check out our Twitter!