Shade Primary School

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Knowlwood Road, Todmorden, Lancashire OL14 7PD

01706 812913

Shade Primary School

Every Child, Every Chance, Every Day

  1. Curriculum
  2. Classes
  3. Year 3


Year 3




Mr Green - Class Teacher 


 Miss Wilkinson - Teaching Assistant







Welcome to Year 3


Important Information

  • Year 3 swim EVERY Wednesday. Children will need a swimming kit brought into school on this day.
  • Children may bring in a snack to enjoy during morning playtime.
  • Our PE day this half term is Friday. Children will need come to school in their PE on Friday.
  • This half term the children will needs Wellies/boots and waterproof coats for forest school on Thursdays.
  • Children have the opportunity to change their home reading books after lunch everyday. The changing of these books will be monitored.  
  • Spelling homework goes home every Monday and is due in the following Friday for the weekly spelling quiz.


Scroll Down to see what learning we have planned for the Year and to see our termly galleries.
Don't forget to follow us on Facebook and download the School Jotter App to get important updates and class galleries


What We Will Learn in Year Three.

Click here for the overview plan of the whole year!

Click the Image for a full year overview!

Click here for Y3 English writing outcomes

Click here for whole school Maths Non-Negotiables

Autumn Term

In Maths we will lay the ground with place value and the four calculations. Starting with Addition and Subtraction and leading up to Christmas Multiplication and Division.

In English this half term we are reading the book Arthur and the Golden Rope. This is set around 1,500 years in Iceland. A young boy has to go on an adventure to find rare items to make a golden rope.

In PSHCE we will be going over Rules and responsibilities and why there are important at school and after the holidays we will be looking at Aiming High, children identifying there strengths and skills.

Our History topic is the  Stone/Bronze and Iron Age and how these times changed the World and how Humans lived. 

In Geography after the holidays we will be looking at Yorkshire, where it is and how big it is and why we like living there.

For Science, we will be learning about the Skeleton of humans and different animals, followed by Rocks and Fossils  after the holidays.- We will be looking at the the parts of a skeleton and what function they have. Also we are looking at exoskeletons and animals without a skeleton. In the Rocks topic we are looking at different types of rocks and learning how they are formed.

Spring Term

In Maths we will be continuing with Multiplication and Division., then Length and Perimeter, \Fractions A and finally Capacity

In English this whole term we are reading the book 

To encourage the children to remain positive and to let them know it is good to try, even when things seem hard, we will be looking at Growth Mindset and thinking how saying “I can”, can be very helpful in life.

Our Geography topics for this term are to find out about our neighbours in Europe and then we will be finding out about Volcanoes and looking at Mount Vesuvius.

In Science we will be focusing on Forces and Magnets, looking at different materials and checking to see if they are magnet or not. Also carrying out investigations to find the strongest magnet. Plants is another topic we will be covering looking at the parts of a plant, the life cycle of a plant and what a plant needs to grow. After the half term we will be working on Light and how shadows are formed.

Summer Term

In Maths we will continue with Fractions, Money, Time followed by Properties of Shapes and finally Statistics

Our English will be focusing on the book 

In History we are looking at the effect of the Anglo Saxons settling in Britain. Then we will be finding out what the effect the Vikings and Anglo Saxon struggle had for the Kingdoms of England.

In Science we will be learning about Skeletons, Movement, Nutrition, Food waste and Plants.

In the final term we will be looking to moving onto our new class and spending time on Transition days finding out what life will be like the following year.

Year 3: Autumn Term

Year 3: Spring Term

Year3: Summer Term

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Our TOP recommendations for online resources to support learning are: - PLEASE encourage children to work on their time tables. They are crucial in the Years 5 and 6 maths curriculum (if you have lost your child's login then please get in contact and I will send their details over as soon as I can)! - - There are countless games and activities linked to all parts of the curriculum on here (if you have lost your child's login then please get in contact and I will send their details over as soon as I can). We have student access to Discovery Education's Espresso site... there are lots of themed activities, fact files, online games and printable activities for students from Nursery to Year 6.