Shade Primary School

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Knowlwood Road, Todmorden, Lancashire OL14 7PD

01706 812913

Shade Primary School

Every Child, Every Chance, Every Day

  1. Curriculum
  2. Subjects
  3. Maths


Curriculum overview

White Rose Year by Year Overview


At Shade we want all of our children to be successful mathematicians. We want the children to have a strong and secure mathematical knowledge that will give them the correct foundations for later life. We aim for all our pupils to have a love of Maths. Our pupils should have a strong understanding of number and place value as this will support their learning and knowledge of all other areas of Maths. It will be this ability to apply their understanding to all areas of Maths that will enable our children to be effective and resilient problem solvers, recognising that there could be more than one way to solve a problem. Whilst reasoning and problem solving, we expect our children to be taught and use appropriate vocabulary to explain their thinking.

At Shade we strive for all our children to become successful problem solvers and resilient mathematicians. We want the children to have a strong and secure mathematical knowledge that will give them the correct foundations for later life. To do this we use the Concrete Pictorial Abstract (CPA) approach to teach mathematical concepts. This enables children to solve problems in a variety of ways. By following the stages of CPA the children develop a deep understanding that they can reason with and explain.

Maths is taught in five strands: Data Handling, Shape Space and Measure, Number, Calculation and Using and Applying. We provide a daily maths session that seeks to reinforce previous learning and allow children to take on new skills and apply these in a range of contexts.

Half termly assessment activities are planned which involve a range of ideas and skills linked to one or more of the key objectives covered previously. As a result of these assessments, individual targets are discussed with pupils. Long-term assessments are undertaken through a combination of teacher assessment and end of year tests. The tests used are NFER termly assessments.

Each teacher has time allocated to discuss each pupil’s attainment and progress with their existing teacher at the end of the term before pupils move class.