Shade Primary School

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Knowlwood Road, Todmorden, Lancashire OL14 7PD

01706 812913

Shade Primary School

Every Child, Every Chance, Every Day

  1. Parents
  2. Parent Concerns

Parent Concerns

 Parental Concerns

We would like to work with everyone to ensure that good, positive communication takes place between all members of the school community. The school work to maintain an ‘open door’ policy and aim to be approachable. We constantly want to improve as a school and feedback is a very important way of achieving this aim.

It is inevitable that negatives will happen. Any concerns should be raised with the appropriate member of staff - usually the class teacher. In most cases by speaking to the school concerns are alleviated or can be addressed. It is unfair to everyone not to raise concerns with the school. Unfair to the person/child with the concern because they do not have their problem resolved; unfair to others who hear the gossip because it undermines their confidence in the school and unfair to the school because we do not have the opportunity to address any problems or concerns.

Whilst we understand that you may wish to discuss issues with family and friends we would ask that you do so privately. Complaints aired in the playground or on social media can foster a negative atmosphere and we want our school to be a positive place for our children to be.

At Shade we are committed to dealing with your concerns as quickly as possible, in an impartial and non-adversarial way.  We will make sure that all concerns are considered and that a fair investigation is undertaken when necessary.  We will keep you informed of the progress of your concern, maintaining confidentiality at all times.

Step 1

It is our view that it is in everyone’s interest that any concerns are resolved at the earliest opportunity by a meeting with your child’s class teacher.  We find that most issues can be satisfactorily addressed this way.  Class teachers are available to meet parents/guardians, by appointment, at the beginning and end of school days to discuss sensitive concerns

Step 2

If you feel that the class teacher has not adequately addressed your concern, or, if for whatever reason, you do not wish to discuss your complaint with the class teacher, you can make an appointment to meet with the relevant phase leader.  Phase Leaders are available to meet parents/guardians, by appointment, at the beginning and end of school days.

  • EYFS - Ms Parker
  • KS1 - Ms Parker
  • KS2 - Mrs Marchant


Step 3

If you feel that the Phase Leader has not adequately addressed your concern, or, if for whatever reason, you do not think it appropriate to discuss your concern with the class teacher or phase leader, you can make an appointment to meet with the Deputy Headteacher or Headteacher. After meeting with you they will decide on the appropriate course of action, for example:

  • to refer the matter back to the class teacher or phase leader for further discussion under the earlier Stages
  • to agree with you a resolution to your concern
  • to conduct an investigation into your concern before deciding the outcome

In the event of an investigation, they will write to you with the outcome once it has been concluded, which may be one of the following:

  • There is insufficient evidence to reach a conclusion so the complaint cannot be upheld;
  • The concern is not substantiated by the evidence;
  • The concern was substantiated in part or in full (some details may then be given of action the school may be taking to review procedures, but details of any disciplinary procedures will not be released).
  • The matter has been fully investigated and that appropriate procedures are being followed, which are strictly confidential (e.g. where staff disciplinary procedures are being followed).


Step 4

We expect the majority of concerns will be resolved in this way (and not recorded as a formal complaint).   However, if you still feel your concern has not been adequately addressed you should refer to the Parental Complaint Policy and write to the Chair of Governors via the school office using the formal complaint form which can be downloaded from the right hand side of this page. 

The Chair of Governors will consider your complaint and then decide on the appropriate course of action, for example:

  • to meet with you
  • to conduct an investigation into the concern
  • to convene a panel of governors to formally hear your concern

The Chair of Governors will write to you with the outcome of their investigation.